Love yourself

Years ago,  I was driving home from a friends house feeling not right with the world wondering where my life was going.  Out of frustration, I began asking myself  “what is it that I really really really want?!” over and over again…  What was this inner longing I was experiencing?  How did I truly want to serve Life? How would I genuinely feel fulfilled in my work?  The Beautiful World Within website had been up for over a year and I knew my life’s passion would come through it.  I just didn’t know how it would happen.

Then, in the next moment, as if my prayer was answered I knew I wanted to express beautiful words into the Universe and into peoples hearts. I wanted to show others how beautiful they are. I wanted to remind them that nothing about them has to change and to help them experience for themselves.

Now, after some years, I am living this life. Through my own inner work and healing experiences, I can send out kind and gentle reminders about the beauty that dwells within you. Because I know it myself.

Not another day, not another moment do you have to continue to buy into the images, songs, movies, commercials, and magazines that you need to be more than you are right now.  You are just how you should be!  You are beautiful, you are loved and you are enough right now, just the way you are! You only have to be YOU.

My passion and work are helping others using Somatic Experiencing, journaling, yoga, and meditation in private sessions, workshops, and immersions. These are profound healing aids in removing the obstacles that stop each of us from experiencing the beauty and love that is already here with us and in us.

Every healing journey begins lovingly from within. I am here to help. You don’t have to take this journey alone.  Please reach out.  I would be honored to assist you on your path back home to your true Self.



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