The idea of The Beautiful World Within came during a very difficult time of my life. While journaling one morning I was being shown I was a beautiful human being regardless of how I was feeling about myself. I was asked to take into consideration the beauty already dwelling inside of me. To take a journey of self-discovery and allow the Universe to break my heart open. It is here I began to experience self-love, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness. Inspiring teachers and wonderful opportunities came across my path to assist me. I discovered Hatha and Raja Yoga, Yoga Nidra (meditation), Journaling, and Somatic Experiencing Trauma work. All of which I still practice and hold certifications in today.  (You can read my bio here) They are guides I now use to help others heal and see through the illusions of the mind.

I also love being around crystals. Their beauty and energy have supported my path. The first crystal I worked with was a Rose Quartz. It was an extraordinary experience that allowed me to see their restorative abilities. I love being around them and felt the desire to create beautiful, inspiring and purposeful jewelry to share with everyone.

The Beautiful World Within was created to share my journey and to offer to others what was offered to me. You can view my services or contact me to let me know how I can assist you in opening your heart to experience the beauty that dwells within you. You can also subscribe here to receive my inspiring blogs, learn about my healing offerings and be the first to learn about uplifting events.



Victoria Downing, Tampa, Florida