For centuries people have journaled because of the extraordinary benefits it has on the body, mind and spirit. No matter what your age or life path, journaling is a gateway for healing and allowing positive change in your life.

As you consciously put pen or pencil to paper, you’re tapping into resources deep inside you. Within these inner resources, you’ll discover answers to your most difficult questions, clearly process what’s been troubling you, and gently heal your deepest wounds.  

Journaling opens the opportunity to:

Journaling helps you see through and release old patterns, painful thoughts and emotions that keep you from experiencing your true nature, your most authentic self.  You can untangle yourself from the old worn out beliefs that keep you stuck in the habits that no longer serve you.  You can begin to keep commitments to yourself and live the life you want to live.

The name The Beautiful World Within came to me during a journaling process. You can read about my journey here. Through journaling you’re able to get out of your own way and allow your Inner Wisdom to guide you to discover your own authentic voice. One of the most fulfilling experiences in life is finding the inner courage to open up to your own unique creativity.

Without self-love we suffer greatly. Journaling is an inner journey worth taking, and part of this journey is discovering your own self-worth and love. I’m often asked, “Victoria how do I love myself?” Here’s a beautiful writing prompt that that has helped thousands of people experience the love that’s already within them, and I believe it will help you too. Write yourself a love letter telling yourself everything you always wanted to hear in a way you needed to hear it. Only you can do this for yourself. No one can read your mind or know your deepest longings. Take some time to compassionately meet yourself on the paper and tell yourself everything you’ve always wanted to hear. Leave nothing out. This process allows you to see clearly there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a beautiful human being, that’s deeply loved. I practiced this every morning for 30 days and had a deep healing experience. Any time you’re feeling alone or disconnected from life, take some precious time to befriend yourself. You’re worth the effort.

Why not forgive yourself for the harm you believe you’ve caused to yourself or another being. When you can’t forgive yourself, it’s because a part of your identity has a story that it would have never done “that” or acted “that” way. This is a shadow within you and locks you in unforgiveness. With a little guidance and the proper journaling prompts you can set yourself free from unforgiveness and feel peace in your heart again. This human experience isn’t supposed to be a perfect one. When you forgive yourself fully, you may find you’ll naturally want to forgive others for any harm they’ve caused you.

We all experience grief and loss and it’s a very difficult part of life. Feeling separate from a loved one because death, divorce or conflict is terribly painful. Journaling is a tool that gives comfort and support as you move through the trauma of grief and loss, so you can feel whole again.
It’s easy to believe and feel as if you’re separate from your Source/Inner Wisdom/God. It simply isn’t true. Conditioning says you’re separate, but you’re not. Love/God /Guidance lives inside your heart and is in every breath you take. Journaling is a heart-centered approach that re-connects you with the Love that dwells inside of you.
Fear has a lot of faces; anger, anxiety, resentment, bitterness, jealously, and depression just to name a few. These emotions can get bottled up inside of you because you don’t know how (or you’re afraid) to address them. You’re taught to run from and suppress these uncomfortable feelings. The problem is, anytime you resist feelings or emotions by pushing them down or trying to avoid them, they get worse. What you resist, persists. Journaling is an ideal way to process unmet stresses in the mind and body. I once was feeling so much anger inside of me that I got out my journal and with a lot of compassion for myself and the anger, I started writing, “I feel so much anger, I’m angry.” I did this for about 20 minutes and when it seemed the anger had dissipated, I sat my pencil and journal down, got up, walked into my kitchen and love engulfed me. I could feel God’s love inside me and all around me. I was in a sea of Love for some time. It was quite extraordinary. God’s love is always in you and with you. You only have to remove the barriers that keep you from experiencing it.

‘Research shows that writing down 5 things you’re grateful for before bedtime has powerful benefits to your overall emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The last thoughts of the day effect the quality of your sleep and the quality of your sleep effects the quality of your day. Sometimes finding things to be grateful for can be difficult, especially if you’re in a place of pain, sadness, anger or grief. I’ve definitely been there. Here’s a small 3-5 minute bedtime exercise that can really help if you’re feeling down right before you fall asleep. First, connected to your breath. Connecting to your breath is a simple way to calm the mind. Just go inside and watch how it moves in and out of your body. This helps to uncouple your attention from any upsetting thoughts you may be experiencing. Try it…take the time to slow down from within and connect with your breath, really feel it and notice everything it does for you as if it were a comforting friend. Do this for a few short minutes. Now, bring your attention to your heart space. Your physical heart, your emotional heart and your spiritual heart. The spiritual heart holds both the physical and emotional heart. As your attention is resting in your heart space, begin to silently say thank you over and over again until you drift off to sleep. You may start to think of things you’re grateful for as you say thank you over and over again. Maybe it’s your bed, or your blanket, or your lamp or your pet. It could be anything. If nothing arises, no worries, that’s okay too. Just repeat thank you over and over again as you drift off to sleep. I’d love to know if this bedtime exercise was helpful to you. Reach out any time and let me know.

You can trust your journal to be your best friend, your true confidant. It will always love and accept everything about you without any judgement. Your faith in yourself and in life is strengthened every time you’re willing to open your heart and meet yourself on the paper.

Take lots of little moments with your journal to receive guidance from within. Be brave, vow to give yourself what you need to create a beautiful life. You are worthy of your own attention.

This is a journey worth taking.
journal - beautiful-world-within

Journal to the Self

*The Journal to the Self® workshop is a 12-hour course on how to keep a journal for personal growth, creative expression, life enrichment inner healing. It’s taught exclusively by certified facilitators and was created in 1985 by Kathleen Adams LPC, PTR, Director of the Center for Journal Therapy, Inc., and internationally known pioneer and expert in the power of writing to heal. 

 More than 100,000 people around the globe have learned this easy, effective, empowering model of journal keeping through the Journal to the Self method. The workshop is adaptable to nearly any population, across the life span, and to nearly any special interest group.